Thursday, March 1, 2012

Join Us for A Very Special Event!

Join CraftFusion and Crops of LuvTM in Preserving Memories and Dreams!

Crops of LuvTM is a non-profit organization that believes in preserving memories and dreams by making memory books for families with critically ill children after they've come back from their “Wish Trip”.  They do this with donations of supplies, time, and monetary contributions from supporters like you.

Crops of LuvTM started as a group of scrappers who got together and made the biggest princess album ever for a little girl who was critically ill.  Her wish was to go to Disney World and meet the princesses.  They saw then just how much of an impact these albums could have for the children and the families receiving their books.  Since then, they have made over 200 books for boys and girls alike going on different adventures including Swimming with the Dolphins, a Trip to Paris, a RV trip, an Hawaiian Adventure, Disneyland, Disney World, Disney Cruise, and Give Kids the World Village.  They work with many organizations such as Make-A-Wish, Starlight Foundation, First Things First, Give Kids the World, Sunshine Foundation (Canada), just to name a few.

Crops of LuvTM is having a fundraiser at  CraftFusion  on Saturday, April 21st from 10:00am to 7:00pm and invites everyone to come.  For a $10.00 donation, you can sponsor a layout for one of their “Wish Kids”.  You can stay and put the layout together or one of their volunteers will put it together for you.  If you’re unable to come that Saturday, you can stop by the store at any time before the event and sponsor a layout.  There’ll be raffles throughout the day and anyone who sponsors a layout will be entered into a Grand Prize drawing valued at over $150.00!

Please come and join in the fun!  To learn more about Crops of LuvTM, go to their website at
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