Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Stop in For A Visit!

WHEW!!  It's been a couple of busy weeks here at CraftFusion since our last post . . . for those of you who've come into the store lately, you can attest to that!  All the boxes of new and exciting products have finally been unpacked, and for the most part, put out on the shelves.  We've had to put up new shelves and fixtures and are still doing more to make room, but there's still so much more to do to get everything out!  The classroom has been "amped" up, new paper racks have been lined up for all the wonderful new papers, and the list goes on.  Swing on in and see all the changes . . . you'll hardly recognize the place!  And while you're here, check out our new wide selection of Bazzill cardstock . . . it looks like a rainbow!

Even with all these changes going on, we've finally got our Design Team up and creating!  Let's give them a big round of applause . . . Mandi Bia, Julie Garcia-Matus, Lois Lee, and Cindy Sheldon.  Come in and see the great projects they've made with what you can find in the store . . . from novice to advanced projects, you'll be amazed at what these creative artists have come up with!
     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Looking for some adventures in creativity?  Be sure to join us for one of our exciting and fun classes!  From "How-To-Do-It!" to Cardmaking, we've added new teachers and expanded our class schedule . . . just take a peek!  Classroom space is limited, though, so call (480) 821-3758 to make your reservations early and don't miss out on a minute of fun!  We look forward to seeing you!

February is all about "integration".  Join Jack & Cat Curio each Thursday evening this month as they guide you in connecting the dots with the use of your personal computer for your art or crafting business in our popular "How-To-Do-It!" Series.  Reservations must be made in advance and classes will be limited to only 8 people.  You must bring your laptop computer or ipad with wireless connection capability.

·        Thursday, February 16th, 7:00-8:30pm - "Connecting it All: Twitter, Pinterest, Flickr, RSS Feed, & More" - So you've got all the parts and pieces ready to go for your art or crafting business . . . what now?  Learn how to "connect all the dots" and take out all the mystery of the business lurking behind-the-scenes with personal hands-on guidance.

Saturday, February 18th
with  Jack & Cat Curio      Cost: $25.00
Learn the basics in the world of beeswax collage . . . you'll definitely fall in love with this exciting medium!!

Saturday, February 18th
with  Jack & Cat Curio      Cost: $65.00
The perfect compliment to the morning class . . . continue your adventures in the world of beeswax and create your own beautiful "Parisian" tile.  Why not bring a friend & make a day of it?

Monday, February 20th
with Stacey Stevenson     Cost: $30.00
Create 6 gorgeous cards perfect for all occasions and 6 gift tags in two designs . . . not to mention the fantastic "chest" to store them all!

Saturday, March 3rd
with Danielle Johnson     Cost: $25.00
Learn the basics of coloring with your favorite alcohol ink markers . . . from one of the best in the art world!  This class is sure to fill quick, so don't miss your chance to get in on the ground floor with these exciting tools!

Friday, March 9th
with Sandy Diller     Cost: $50.00
Create the perfect place to store all those loose recipes or notes within easy reach!  Join us for a fun day filled with new techniques . . . class fee includes all supplies & lunch!

And the list goes on!!
Don't forget to bookmark the Calendar page
at for details on these
and all of our upcoming projects!
To see class samples, stop by the store & take a look . . .
you definitely won't be disappointed!!

Be sure to leave us your comments & suggestions to let us
know how we're doing.  We love hearing from you!
Have a project you've made?  Bring it by & show it off . . .
we'd love to see it!!
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