Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mark Your Calendars & Get "Metalized" . . .

Be sure to join us Friday, January 27th for two very special classes here at CraftFusion . . . "Metal 101" and "Wings on My Heart".  It's your chance to learn all you ever wanted to know about  "METAL EMBOSSING" from the experts . . . TENsecond Studio!!  Join Cheryl Darrow, co-owner of TENsecond Studio, as she shares the magic of this fascinating art perfect for all your projects!  What a better way to begin the new year!!

Classes are scheduled for this ONE DAY ONLY, so call (480) 821-3758 early to reserve your space . . . you definitely don't want to miss either of these fun and exciting workshops!!  Bring a friend and make a day of it . . . seating will be very limited and it's already beginning to fill up!!  Call today!!

"METAL 101"
10:30am - 1:00pm                          Cost $45.00
Take several parts metal, incorporate various decorative wheels, add some balls, emboss on molds, learn how to write, erase everything or nothing, puff 'til your brains want to burst, antique with paints, and then sand like you mean it . . . and that’s how you emboss on metal.  Students will leave this class with a complete understanding of how to use TENsecond Studio’s tools and molds. We'll experiment with all the latest molds and the new colored metals.  Learn how to embellish your art, journals, or scrapbooks with what you’ll create in this fun and informative workshop.

3:00pm - 5:30pm                            Cost $48.00
Turn a very unique shaped heart into a gorgeous embossed piece of art.  Students will learn how to emboss a large object with pure copper metal and age it with our own patina.  This class stresses collage elements using TENsecond Studio's molds, decorative wheels, and ball and cups.  After talking this class, students will be fearless in their "metalizing" anything and everything.

Students need to bring to each class:
     Scissors (Teflon coated)
     Craft knife
     Cutting mat
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