Saturday, February 4, 2017

Fun Times in Phoenix!

It was actually 2015, but it seems like it was only yesterday that we were standing in line at the airport to board our plane to head to Anaheim, California.  We were practically bouncing with anticipation because we were going to CHA!  It was definitely an amazing adventure, one that we'll remember for a long time.  So much to see, so little time!

Now, fast forward the clock ahead two years and we're again heading out for another whirlwind adventure.  This time, though, no airports, no taxi rides or SuperShuttles . . . not even any hotel rooms!  "But where were you going?", you might ask.  Once again it was CHA time, but not in Anaheim this time . . . CHA, or Creativation as they like to call themselves now, has come to Phoenix!

The original plan was to meet at the local Park & Ride and ride the Metro Light Rail into downtown Phoenix.  Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other plans and decided to "shower" her goodness down upon the Valley of the Sun in the form of rain . . . three full days of it!  Since riding the train would mean having to walk in the elements to and from train stops to the Convention Center and getting soaked, alternate plans had to be made . . . why not employ the services of a personal chauffer?  Not one of those gentleman in a fancy black limo or stiff black tuxedo, but my wonderful husband, Pat, who kindly drove us each day in the "Razzleberry Express", dropping us off and picking us up at the front door of the Convention Center.  Talk about "curb service"!

And our adventures didn't end at the curb!  Friday was spent attending workshops, then the show floor opened Saturday and Sunday.  We took full advantage of the opportunity to meet and talk with so many vendors that I've lost count, not to mention seeing all the exciting new products that they'll be releasing this year.  The show floor was so jamb packed, we had to mark our map with our "must-sees" so we were sure not to miss anyone!  From the time the doors first opened until we finally dropped Sunday evening, it was constant go, go, go!  Here are just a few of the fantastic highlights . . .

Friday . . . A Day for Workshops

Beating the crowds through Registration
What's on  the agenda?

Is that our teacher,
Andy Skinner?!?
Our Classroom . . .
before the fun begins

Oh, boy!  Goodies!
Happy faces, happy art!

Saturday & Sunday . . . It's Show Time!

Comfy footwear for miles & miles
of walking
Where should we start first?
Anticipation at the
front of the line . . .
The entertainment wasn't
only inside on the show floor!

The view from behind . . .
The doors finally open & we're off!
When life serves you lemons . . .
make lemonade!

Even though there was so much to see and do at the Convention . . . major information and product overload and a bit overwhelming, for sure! . . . we all came home exhausted, but inspired and enthusiastic to share all that we learned and saw with you in the upcoming months in new Workshops and products on the shelves. 

On a personal note, I’d like to extend a very special “thank you” to Sherry Bamsey, Jessica Tucker, and Gayl Staffler for embarking on this wonderful adventure with me.  Without these special ladies, CHA would most likely have been like so many other conventions I’ve attended in the past.  We had such an exciting and informative adventure that I, for one, am already gearing up for a return visit next year!

Stay tuned for photos of some fantastic projects
created by some of your favorite artists . . .
coming in a new post soon!

(480) 821-3758
Look for us in our new location!
1946 So. Dobson Rd. #1, Mesa, Arizona  85202
n/w corner of Dobson & Baseline Roads in the Dobson Shores Shopping Center
(located next to Brilliant Bridal & Macayo's Restaurant)
Tuesday - Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm  ~  Closed Sunday & Monday

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